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2025 LARB Publishing Workshop Application

Tuition for the LARB Publishing Workshop is $3000.  LARB offers fellowships through partnerships with select institutions and limited need-based financial aid through LARB Readers' Grants. 

To ensure equity and fairness in the distribution of our financial resources, we require that ALL applicants for fellowships and financial aid provide a "statement of need" and either a FAFSA Student Aid Report or tax document with proof of income. Instructions for filling out the free FAFSA and downloading the SAR can be found online. 

Please note that we cannot process any financial aid applications that do not include both of these 2 required documents. 

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Please use State/Province if you are in the United States or Canada.
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Please select the category that best describes your current situation.
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Fellows will enroll in either the Magazine or Book Track, which meets approximately three afternoons per week. For more information on which track is best for you, go to our website.
Please select any areas that are of particular interest to you.
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Please upload a copy of your most current resume or CV.
Please explain how the workshop fits into your overall publishing career goals. (~500 words)
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Upload an official or unofficial copy of your undergraduate transcript if you are a current student or graduated within the last 5 years.
Upload an official or unofficial copy of your graduate school transcript if you are a current student or graduated within the last 5 years.
Upload an additional transcript if relevant and within the last 5 years.
Upload a sample or portfolio showing relevant work in editing, art production, marketing, publicity, or similar. Max 25 pages
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Please upload either the FAFSA Student Aid Report or your most recent 1040 or international equivalent.
In 250 words or less, please explain your current financial situation as it would effect your ability to pay tuition.
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or enter your card details below
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